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Thanks for your interest in’s development! This guide, based on the original announcement protocol, is an attempt at an evergreen install guide. It uses the format “one section per technology.”

Debian system profile

$ uname -a
Linux ohm 5.10.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-1 (2021-04-09) x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.18.0

$ mysql -V
mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.5.10-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper

$ php -v
PHP 7.4.21 (cli) (built: Jul  2 2021 03:59:48) ( NTS )

$ memcached -h
memcached 1.6.9

$ indexer
Sphinx 2.2.11-id64-release (95ae9a6)

Server setup

This section is done as root. If you’re in a user shell, preface commands with sudo.

Upgrading to Debian Sid

Install the most recent Debian netinst image and modify /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src unstable main contrib non-free

Optionally, create /etc/apt/apt.conf with this content:

APT::Install-Recommends "1";
APT::Install-Suggests "0";

Then upgrade the system:

apt update
apt dist-upgrade

Further server setup, including DNS, email, etc., are beyond this guide’s scope. For more info about SSH, Unbound, NSD, OpenSMTPd, Dovecot, Unix users, etc., please see the original launch announcement.

Nginx and Certbot

Install Nginx and Certbot with apt install nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx.

The basic Gazelle Nginx config should look similar to this. You’ll likely have to change the file paths based on your setup. Also, PHP-FPM may need larger buffers, as in this example, to serve without 502 errors. The client_max_body_size should match php.ini and accomodate large torrents. Please see the example [Nginx config in the repo] (

The Nginx config for the Ocelot tracker should look like this. Nginx acts as a TLS reverse proxy so Ocelot isn’t directly exposed. Note the Host header (so tracker connections don’t show up as localhost):

server {
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        server_name \

        ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot

        access_log off;
        error_log  /var/log/nginx/;

        location / {
                proxy_set_header Host $remote_addr:$proxy_port;
                proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

Finally, set up TLS certificates with certbot --nginx. Add this entry to the root crontab to renew the certs daily:

20 1 * * * certbot renew >/dev/null 2>&1 && systemctl restart nginx >/dev/null 2>&1

Please see the Certbot docs and OWASP Secure Headers Project for more info.


Install MariaDB with apt install mariadb-server and initialize it with mysql_secure_installation. uses TLS connections to a dedicated database server. Unix sockets are preferred for the database running on localhost. The config should look similar to this, paying attention to sql-mode:

# Port or socket location where to connect
port = 3306
#socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

# Import all .cnf files from configuration directory
#!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
#!includedir /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/

tls-version = TLSv1.3
#require-secure-transport = on


skip-networking = 0
bind-address =


If you’d like to use TLS crypto in your database connections, please see the MariaDB docs. They contain the necessary info to generate self-signed certs.

Finally, load the Gazelle database schema in an SQL shell. I generate secure passphrases with pwgen -s | encrypt. Note that Ocelot also needs BINLOG_ADMIN global privileges:

CREATE DATABASE gazelle_development;
USE gazelle_development;
SOURCE /var/www/html/;
CREATE USER 'gazelle_development'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `gazelle_development`.* TO 'gazelle_development'@'localhost';
GRANT BINLOG ADMIN ON *.* TO 'gazelle_development'@'localhost';


Install PHP and the necessary extensions. The basic PHP package: apt install php php-dev php-fpm.

The PHP extensions. There are two PHP memcached extensions. The correct one is just php-memcache without the “d.” The full extension list is managed in composer.json. also supports the Seqhash algorithm and requires Blake3 for this feature. Optionally, please install php-blake3.

Gazelle isn’t picky about its PHP config needs, except that short_open_tag = On is still required. I strongly recommend crafting a secure PHP config.


Install memcached with apt install memcached. supports separate production and development instances. If you with to run two instances, it’s necessary to run memcached twice. Otherwise the sites will experience significant cross-contamination. The /etc/memcached.conf content:

-m 5120
-s /var/run/memcached/memcached.sock
-a 0777
-u memcache

A helper script to quickly bring up a second memcached as root:

memcached -d -m 5120 -s /var/run/memcached/memcached-dev.sock -a 0777 -t16 -C -u memcache


Install Sphinx with apt install sphinxsearch.

The /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf content is too large to reasonably inline. Please find a copy at biotorrents/documentation. The only other Sphinx-related configs are root crontab entries:

@reboot /usr/bin/searchd`.
* * * * * indexer -c /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf --rotate delta requests_delta >/dev/null 2>&1
7 * * * * indexer -c /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf --rotate torrents >/dev/null 2>&1
7 0,12 * * * indexer -c /etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf --rotate --all >/dev/null 2>&1


Email setup is beyond this guide’s scope. Please see Gilles’s OpenSMTPd and Dovecot guide.

Application setup

This section should use a separate Unix user for each component. Gazelle, Ocelot, IRC, and sitebot should each have their own home folder and shell. Otherwise the applications would be an insecure jumble and hard to maintain.


Please use the biotorrents/gazelle development branch to grab the current working copy. This guide assumes a development branch checkout.

git clone --branch development
git push origin development

First create the necessary files and folders. Note that locations are arbitrary and may be one of: home folder, subfolder of /var/www, etc.

# nginx(8) log location
mkdir -m 700 -p /var/www/log/{production,development}
touch /var/www/log/{production,development/{peerupdate.log,schedule.log}
chown -R biotorrents:biotorrents /var/www/log

# files outside the web root
mkdir -m 700 -p /var/www/pictures /var/www/torrents /var/www/torrents-dev
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/pictures /var/www/torrents /var/www/torrents-dev

The Gazelle app user also needs this crontab. Expect to have backups in place by this stage, and note that server backups are beyond this guide’s scope:

0,15,30,45 * * * * curl -s "" >> /var/www/log/development/schedule.log 2>&1
2-59/5 * * * * php /var/www/html/ "00000000000000000000000000000000" >> /var/www/log/development/peerupdate.log

A useful script for resetting file permissions:

find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644
find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755

chmod 600 config/private.php
chown -R www-data:www-data *

Application config

config/app.php warrants its own section. When setting up Gazelle for the first time, set these options:


Note the separate production and development values and the possibility of duplicate definitions. uses a singleton class with extended recursive ArrayObject support invoked by $ENV = ENV::go().

There are some other values to set up. Please pay attention to these values for proper functionality:

  • The “App keys” and “Database” sections
  • The “Tracker” and “Tracker URLs” sections


If you’d like to disable BioPHP support and remove the php-blake3 dependency, please set FEATURE_BIOPHP to false and remove this line from composer.json:

"require": {
  "biotorrents/biophp": "dev-master"

Assuming that php.ini is correctly set up, you may need these modified setup instructions that differ from the official Composer docs:

mkdir -p /var/www/bin
php -d allow_url_fopen=1 -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
# Hash checking, running the install script, and unlinking
# See the official Composer docs for details
mv composer.phar /var/www/bin/composer

Then add /var/www/bin to the Gazelle user’s $PATH and run: composer update.

Also, vendor/maximebf/ needs to be copied into public/vendor/. Becasue the webroot is shifted to not expose app files. That is, if you wish to use DebugBar.

SCSS and fonts

Install SassC with apt install sassc. Install Google Closure Compiler from Maven.

Download the font pack and extract it with: tar zxvf fonts.tgz -C /var/www/html/

There’s a helper script called that will compile all the assets for you. Note the script expects closure-compiler.jar in the same directory.

Support for Dart Sass is planned.

Ocelot uses What.CD’s Ocelot with the 10th anniversary mixtape patches and developing TLS support. The patched version is available at biotorrents/ocelot.

First installed the dependencies like below. The specific dependencies may differ on your system:

apt install \
    automake \
    g++ \
    gcc \
    libboost-dev \
    libboost-iostreams-dev \
    libboost-system-dev \
    libev-dev \
    libmysql++-dev \
    libtcmalloc-minimal4 \

The compilation ritual is likewise fraught with pitfalls. I found autoreconf with manual library locations to work best:

./configure \
    --with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
    --with-ev-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
    --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \
make install

Copy and edit ocelot/ocelot.conf.dist to the Ocelot user’s home folder. The daemon runs on localhost:34000 and Nginx TLS reverse proxies it to localhost:443. The Ocelot daemon runs in a tmux window under as a user process.

IRC and sitebot

Gazelle is agnostic to the IRCd because it only sends raw commands. This can be disabled by setting FEATURE_IRC to false. However, the sitebot and daemon are usually paired.


I prefer to keep IRC locked down and well distanced, given its insecurity and use as a botnet C&C platform. Building the daemon as a user and using separate TLS certs.

First download the latest release, then see the official docs with the caveat to configure to a user target:

tar xzf ngircd-<version>.tar.gz
cd ngircd-<version>
./configure --prefix=/home/ngircd/ngircd
make install

Please see the official config template as well as the hardened TLS and channel modes in’s diffs.

kana uses the sitebot anniemaybytes/kana Unlike other sitebots, it needs no Gazelle database connection. Gazelle API integration is pending on

First do apt install nodejs npm, then as the kana user, npm install node yarn. Then add $HOME/node_modules/.bin to the user’s $PATH. Create and match the file channels.json to the ngIRCd config. Finally, build kana with yarn && yarn build.

A custom kana config is pending API integration. However, it does run out of the box: node kana/dist/index.js. A good firewall is very important because there’s no sitebot IRCd authentication!

Inside the Gazelle Toolbox

At this point it should be possible to register for the site. The first account is the sysop so please act quickly here. Disable DEBUG_MODE and FEATURE_SET_ENC_KEY_PUBLIC as soon as you register! Then do apt install qrencode for 2FA support and enable it with a GPG key on the sysop account.

Configure a client whitelist on the Toolbox page by the BitTorrent spec’s peer ID list. Please find a list of quality client peer IDs below. LibTorrent 0.1x.y also covers rTorrent/ruTorrent and other clients that use rakshasa’s library:

Client Name Peer ID
Deluge 1.x.y -DE1
Deluge 2.x.y -DE2
KTorrent 3.x.y -KT3
KTorrent 4.x.y -KT4
KTorrent 5.x.y -KT5
LibTorrent 0.x.y -lt0
qBittorrent 2.x.y -qB2
qBittorrent 3.x.y -qB3
qBittorrent 4.x.y -qB4
Transmission 2.xy -TR2
Transmission 3.xy -TR3

For more BitTorrent info see Calomel’s rTorrent hacking guide.

Building these docs

biotorrents/documentation has the Mkdocs source code. Install MkDocs with apt install mkdocs. Then do mkdocs build.

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